Saturday, March 27, 2010


garden set #1
garden set #2
other random stuff and a look from my wardrobe
 I was looking around on teh internet doing my usual fashion inspiration searches, and i notice that on one of the sites that all designers had cardigans on the runway. So a a post idea I did some outfits on cardigans. the first outfit with the red cardigan is an outfit i own with similar stuff from my closet. I own the red cardigan from forever21.  And i add a black full sleeve top and jeans.
The other two outfits are examples of how a cardigan can take a day outfit into a night outfit. the cardigan is from H&M.
Those two outfits can easily be made hijabi.
For the first day time outfit use a carigan with longer sleeve. ( soryy i liked the color of that cardigan even thoogh the sleeves werent long enough) Then add wide leg jeans with the dress. When i do wear hijab ( thats a whole other stroy refer to my other blog if you want to find out about my hijab story) i use short day dresses as like long tunic shirts with jeans. I see another hijabi girl at my school; do this a lot of times and she looks like she has great style. A lot of teen hijabis dont wear wide leg pants, i personally don't find them flattering on my body type. im not here to judge but if you want use skinny jeans or striaght leg. The nite outfit is a little harder to cover up with that same dress. Dark wash jeans or formal black pants can do the trick. But if you don't like that look, you can get a similar dress in a maxi form. So thats pretty much it. Cardigans are super versatile so tehy are a great staple for your wardrobe.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

miltary trend and floral trend

so here are some of my favorite trends of the momnet. Actually  the military trend was more of last season but i saw these items and just had to incorporate them into a set. For the floral try items like skirts and fluttery tops perefct for spring. If it's as hot as it is in Southern California right now, you'll be glad to wear something light and airy.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Chocolate lovers unite!

Some of the greatest things in life
Some of the greatest things in life by love-xoxo featuring Louis Vuitton bags

So some of the stuff on this stuff is expensive, but as a first set I knd of wanted to use things that i thought represented things that are heavenly.
I feautured Louis Vuitton bags. the shirt could be paired with either a pair of jeans or leggings, depending on your preference.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

this is my fashion blog

Hi there to all the people of blog world. So this is my second fashion blog, because I am having technical diffuculties with my first one. I am Muslim but not all of the stuff I'll post will be Islam approved fashion. I will try to keep thngs modest or revelant to things I'd wear. After all, there's no need to sacrifice modesty for fashion. Thats my first rule for this blog, my second is that I'll have things from the runway my way. And my third is that you don't have to spend a lot for great style. So lets get started, shall we?